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NO RESERVE - Entire Contents of Former DEBENHAMS CHESTER, Featuring Catering Equipment, Retail Furniture, Industrial Storage - Racking & more.
Venue address
34-40 Eastgate St, Chester - COLLECTION ONLY
United Kingdom
NO RESERVE - Entire Contents of Former DEBENHAMS CHESTER, Featuring Catering Equipment, Retail Furniture, Industrial Storage - Racking & more.

Catering Equipment, Soft Furnishings, Shop Fittings, Furniture, Racking, Cosmetic Display Counters & Much More

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 20, 2024 01:00 PM BST
Ends from: Sep 05, 2024 11:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Sep 04, 2024 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM BST
Auction currency
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Other payment methods
There are 237 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Fabric Two Seater Sofa
Chester Artworks
Stainless Steel Unit with Drawer
Williams Tall Fridge - LJ1SA HC R2
Foster fridge
Lot 192
Leather chairs x 4
Industrial Metal Hanging Rails x 12
Yellow Stools x2
Mirrored Glass Display Stands x 2
Mirrored Glass Display Stands x 2
Black Pouffes x 4
Grey Fabric Foot Stool x 2
Circular Display Unit
Beauty Treatment or Salon / Hairdressers Chair
Scan and Collect System
Scan and Collect System
Scan and Collect System
Scan and Collect System
Scan and Collect System
Scan and Collect System
Scan and Collect System
Scan and Collect System
Wooden Decorative Wardrobe
Retail Display Table
Assorted Female Mannequins
Display Table
Lot 213
Tambour Cabinet and PDQ Machines
3 Tier Glass Display Unit x 2
Display Unit
Lot 216
Dual sided glass shelf display unit x 3
Display Table
Lot 218
White Gloss Display Table
Display Table
Lot 220
Tables x 2
Lot 221
Metal Hanging Display Rails x 9
Wooden Side Table
Glass Top Display Rails x 5
Glass Display Table x 2
Tall Wall Mirror
Display Table with Mirror Top
CAT Display Table
Beauty Salon Storage Counter With Lamps
Brown Leather Sofa with Footstool
Brown Leather Sofa
Brown Leather Sofa
Pink Display & Till System
Metal Cage Trolley (approx 68 cages)
Blue Plastic Totes
14 Bays of Metal Shelving
7 Bays of Metal Shelving
12 Bays of Metal Shelving
42 Bays of Metal Shelving
75 Bays of Metal Shelf Racking
16 Industrial Rails
20 Bays of Metal Shelving