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Direct From NEC Group - Consolidation of Assets - To Include Machinery, Vehicles, Access Platforms, Catering, Furniture & Much More
Venue address
Birmingham B40,
United Kingdom
Direct From NEC Group - Consolidation of Assets - To Include Machinery, Vehicles, Access Platforms, Catering, Furniture & Much More

To Include Scissor & Boom Lifts, Access Platform, Ford 90, Liquid Vessels, Towing Trailers, Spit Roast's, Ice Cream Counter, Rational Ovens & More

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 31, 2024 05:30 PM GMT
Ends from: Feb 29, 2024 01:00 PM GMT
Auction currency
We found 43 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
CLARK, Electric Forklift / Model ECS 30
1986, Benford Liftmate - LM46S (Scissor Lift)
GENIE - AWP-40S, Access Plarform Lift
Access Platform Lift - SP/1000
8 x Water / Liquid Vessels (PVC)
Quantity of Aluminium, Lightweight Beam / Truss
Self-Build Wall Display
TANN - Consort II, Commercial Safe
Commercial Safe
Lot 137
Commercial Safe
Lot 138
CHUBB Commercial Safe
CHUBB Commercial Safe
Commercial Safe
Lot 142
GERBER enVision
Lot 173
Lot 174
SEAL - image 600-S
Crate on wheels - contents including rigging belts
1 x Crate / Cage with small amount of netting
1 x Metal Crate / Cage containing rigging netting
1 x Metal Crate / Cage of industrial steel rigging
1 x Metal Crate / Cage of industrial steel rigging
1 x Metal Crate / Cage
1 x Metal Crate / Cage
2 x Metal Crates & 1 x supporting shelf unit
1 x Metal Crate / Cage of industrial steel rigging
1 x Metal Crate / Cage of industrial steel rigging
Cage / Storage Unit
3 x storage boxes
3 x storage crates / containers & contents
Pallet of storage boxes on wheels x 6 units
Crate of mixed scrap metal
2 x crates - contents to include various rigging e
Pallet of Rigging Chains & Parts
Quantity of Chains & Motorised Hoists x 2
Large container, full of industrial rigging belts
Metal Cage & Contents
Quantity of Industrial Electrical Cable & Electric
Quantity of Industrial Electrical Cable
1 Run of Shelving - NO RESERVE
9 Actuators
Lot 308
2 Runs of Shelving - NO RESERVE
Spare Shelving Frames NO RESERVE