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PLANT, MACHINERY & COMMERCIAL VEHICLES - Featuring Main Dealer Supplied 2023, VOLVO A25G Articulated Haulers, Forklifts, Telehandlers & Trailers
Venue address
Multiple Site Auction, Lot Location Confirmed At Lot Level
United Kingdom
PLANT, MACHINERY & COMMERCIAL VEHICLES - Featuring Main Dealer Supplied 2023, VOLVO A25G Articulated Haulers, Forklifts, Telehandlers & Trailers

Featuring Articulated Dumpers, Loaders, Excavators, Commercial Vehicles, Ground Care, Telehandler's, Site Tools, Machines & Equipment.

Auction dates
Starts: 28 Nov 2024 17:30 GMT
Ends from: 05 Dec 2024 13:00 GMT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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2009, YALE - Gas Powered Forklift Truck (8600 hours) Container Spec - Triple Mast with Side Shift
2015, Caterpillar 1.8 Tonne - Container Spec Electric Forklift Truck with Rotator (10,279 hours)
NISSAN - 3.0 Ton Gas Forklift - Triple / Container Spec (4.3m Lift - 9,821 hours)
Heli 1.5 Tonne Gas Forklift Truck
CONQUIP - 1000 Litre Boat Skip
10 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - Z30099
10 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - Z30099
10 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - Z30099
10 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - Z30099
BRAND NEW - 2022, EDWARDS NXDS6i Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump
2014, ESSEMTEC COBRA-8C - Model F8X2/T-V2 8mm HyQ Tape Feeder
Shipping Container - ref TRLU4434342 - NO RESERVE (40’ GP - Standard)
ABB Robotic Arm & 2023 - MONK MODU LOOP Conveyor
Shipping Container - ref KNLU4325392 - NO RESERVE (40’ GP - Standard)
One Trip 20ft Tunnel (Double Door) Container - VANU3001071
10 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
10 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
10 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
6 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
6 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
6 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
6 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
6 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
20 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
2 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
2 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
2 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
2 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
2 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
2 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
2 x pallets of brand new Quiligotti Terrazzo Commercial Tiles - TDE9
JUNGHEINRICH EJE 225 Electrics Pallet Pump Truck + JB FABRICATIONS Pallet Truck Battery Tugger
6 x Single 2.5mtr Ladders