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Contents Of St John Fisher Catholic High School Due To Upgrade- No Reserve- Everything Must Go- Incl Catering Equip, Classroom Furniture & More
Venue address
, Wigan
United Kingdom
Contents Of St John Fisher Catholic High School Due To Upgrade- No Reserve- Everything Must Go- Incl Catering Equip, Classroom Furniture & More

To Inc- Refrigerators, Oven, Canteen Tables/Benching & Seating,TV's, Racking, Desks, Chairs, Sewing Machines, Sporting Equipment & Much More

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 17, 2025 12:30 PM GMT
Ends from: Feb 06, 2025 11:00 AM GMT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Feb 05, 2025 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM GMT
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We found 61 items matching your search
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Lighting Rig & Lighting
Vacmaster VK1638SWC
Meru Switch Controller MC4200
Hi Sense 55
Janome Decor Excel 25 Sewing Machine
Janome Decor Excel 25 Sewing Machine
Janome Decor Excel 25 Sewing Machine
Network Switch
Xerox Phaser 6510 Printer
Hp Laserjet Pro400 M401dh
Xerox Versalink C500
Samsung 65
Cello 65
Lot 63
LG 65
Lot 65
Hisense 65
Sharp 55
Hisense 65
Sony TV 65
LG 55
Samsung 65
Hisense 65
Samsung 65
Hisense 65
Hisense 65
Hisense 65
Hisense 65
LG 65
LG 55
LG 55
APC Smart-UPS 3000
APC Smart-UPS 3000
APC Smart-UPS 3000
DMX512 Computer Lamp Table Controller
Sennheiser XS True Diversity Receiver x8
Racking Internals
Racking Internals
Xerox Phaser 6510 Printer
Hp Laserjet Pro400 M401dh
Aruba Access Point
Yealink Phone
Lot 242
Xerox Phaser 3330 Printer
Whole Rack
Lot 245
Rack & Contents
Lot 246
Yealink Handset Landline Phone x4
Networking Small Rack Cabinet & Contents
Janome Decor Excel 25 Sewing Machine
Janome Decor Excel 25 Sewing Machine
Janome Decor Excel 25 Sewing Machine
Janome Decor Computer Sewing Machine
Janome 110 Newhome Sewing Machine
Janome 110 Newhome Sewing Machine
Janome Decor Computer Sewing Machine
Xerox Phaser 3330 Printer
Xerox Phaser 3330 Printer
Xerox Phaser 3330 Printer
Xerox Phaser 3330 Printer
Xerox Phaser 3330 Printer
Xerox Phaser 3330 Printer
Hp Laserjet Pro400 M401dh